Training The Next Generation


Dr Sarezh Saber & Dr Lass Azad

Swisscross Field Officers, Erbil

Hands-on training: Dr Lass Azad and Dr Sarezh Saber assisting Swisscross Chief Surgeon, Dr Walter Kunzi on one of the first procedures at our complex care Centre in Erbil in November 2021.

As young doctors and field officers for the Swisscross Foundation, the last six months have been a critical experience in understanding and preparing for real life complex medical situations. 

In the week before, Swisscross Foundation’s Global Medical Corp team  -  a group of the world’s best complex care medical experts  - land in Iraq for a non-stop, 10-day reconstructive surgical mission to help mainly refugees and displaced populations who have injuries caused by the circumstances of war, we are getting everything ready and in order before surgical teams come together. 

We double-check patient numbers, theater schedules, the surgeon and nurse schedules, patient notes, while also speaking with patients headed to the Swisscross Centre of Excellence for Complex Care in Erbil. 

This is an intense time, knowing that so much detail is packed into a two week mission. Sometimes in one day during a mission, the Swisscross team will perform up to 8 surgical procedures, one after another. Other times one surgery can take up to 8 hours, because it is delicate and intricate.

But, all the while, as new doctors we are learning new techniques and asking a million questions of some of the most experienced people in the field of reconstructive surgery.

Swisscross Founder Dr Enrique Steiger with Drs Saber and Azad assessing and treating a facial burns victim in Erbil, 2021.

Training Young Doctors in Iraq

As young medical graduates in Iraq, one of the most important aspects to our medical training is understanding the need for tailored and structured exposure to clinical time with surgical experts who can impart hands-on knowledge, training, communications skills, ethics and professionalism. 

Working for Swisscross we have had the ability to watch, learn and assist surgeons on different complex cases. In fact many of the cases we are involved in are cases we have only read about in books. As new doctors, we understand how lucky we are to see these procedures close up and be a part of the effort to perform a surgery. 

We have had the ability to experience different fields of medicine including anesthesia, plastics, orthopedic, physiotherapy, radiotherapy and traumatology, as well as learn new techniques and gain valuable theater experience. In addition, working with Swisscross has been a journey where we are learning a more holistic approach in managing patient care, preparing patients before the date of the surgery, at the time of the surgery and postoperatively as well as during follow-ups and physiotherapy. 

The importance of hands-on training and mentoring cannot be stressed enough. To be able to observe procedures and gain immediate feedback from Swisscross mentors has been invaluable. With the live observation we are exposed to the finite aspects of medical procedures, which makes for the best of training.

The two-week missions at the Centre of Excellence for Complex Care in Erbil are an intense period, with our two young doctors working and planning into the night.

Building Capacity: Connecting & Collaborating to Local Talent 

One of the most far-reaching and beneficial aspects of working with Swisscross has been to connect to the depth of talent both international and local. Working alongside the Global Medical Corp over the last six months has been an array of surgeons, doctors and healthcare staff from Erbil and wider Iraq.

Strengthening and building local healthcare capacities is a key principle for direct and sustainable impact on patient outcomes. 

In humanitarian settings, an NGO like Swisscross is helping empower frontline healthcare communities, while building an ecosystem where young doctors like us can thrive and sustain the future of complex care in Iraq.

The last six months have been an exciting and meaningful learning experience. Swisscross has received over 700 patient referrals and performed 87 complex surgeries with global and local health professionals donating 203 days of their time.

We look forward to the next six months of learning, developing skills, connecting to patients and health workers and building a resilient and sustainable complex care hub in Erbil with the next generation of medical professionals.

To help us continue to support young talented doctors in training and mentorship to provide reconstructive surgery to their communities, please consider donating here.


Erbil: Swisscross Humanitarian Mission May 2022


Protecting Victims of Conflict in Cyberspace