International Women’s Day: Celebrating Women In Healthcare Everyday
Some of the many phenomenal women healthcare practitioners at the Centre of Excellence for Complex Care, Erbil.
Women are at disproportionate risks in complex emergencies and conflict. It only makes sense to create pathways for women in healthcare to lead and support women and share their knowledge and expertise in conflict settings.
With women making up to 70% of global healthcare workers and practitioners, and many risking their lives to serve communities across the world, we celebrate these formidable women who tirelessly fight for better and equal health outcomes for all and especially for the most vulnerable communities.
At Swisscross we celebrate women in healthcare everyday.
Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon Dr Alla Shukur has been with Swisscross humanitarian missions from the start of our journey in Erbil. November 2021.
Since we opened our doors at the Centre of Excellence for Complex Care in Erbil, we have the privilege to share that 50% of our team are women. Women from across the healthcare spectrum, both global and local professionals.
Swisscross is working with world-renowned reconstructive surgical experts - doctors, nurses and surgeons. Female experts who have worked globally in conflict settings to provide surgical care to some of the most vulnerable patients in the world.
In the 18 months of active humanitarian missions at the Centre in Erbil, generously funded by UAE Aid, women have led across specialities.
Last year, Swisscross performed the first free-tissue transfer surgery at the Centre on 10 year old Salih, who was grievously injured by a missile at the age of five, leaving him unable to walk. Eight months later Salih was able to run for the first time in five years.
Dr Nastaha Forster performs the first free tissue transfer surgery at the Centre in her first humanitarian mission with Swisscross in March 2022.
Dr. Natasha Forster, a microvascular specialist from Zurich, Switzerland led the six-hour surgery of reattaching vessels in the lower leg during a free-tissue transfer of muscle from the back to lower leg for the young boy. She also trained local surgeons in the complicated procedure, imparting skills and knowledge to build local talent pools of healthcare professionals.
Dr Forster worked with Erbil plastic surgeons Dr. Alla Shukur, and Dr. Mustafa Subhe and Swisscross Chief Surgeon Dr. Walter Kunzi during the surgery.
Dr Shukur, who is a renowned plastic surgeon in Erbil has been with the Swisscross team, working with the Centre since we opened in 2021, providing specialist reconstructive care to some of our youngest patients.
Swisscross head nurse, Kathrin Schultz with one of the first patients to come to Swisscross, 3 year-old Ahmad Burki who was injured in a missile attack in Syria. May 2022.
Working alongside experienced surgeons, our Field Officer, Dr Sarezh Saber has been instrumental in patient care and management of the Centre. Dr Shireen Saber, an orthopedic surgery resident and local of Erbil has been a shining example of the vast talent working at the Centre.
One of the most constant and dedicated women practitioners Swisscross is proud to call family is head nurse Kathrin Schulze, who works across conflict settings globally. She has volunteered her time and skills not only in Erbil, but has volunteered in Gaza for the last twelve years.
Nurse practitioners at the Centre in Erbil. March 2022.
Thank you to all the nurses, including, Sayran Mohemmed, Renas Yunis, Dlnia Muhammad and Delaram Tareq Mahmod - without whom we would not be able to serve patients injured through the circumstances of war.
Everyday we honor the legacies of women health care workers who are paving the way for incredible leaders working in conflict settings and providing care to communities most in need.
Happy International Women’s Day.